I guess I believe in serendipity, those unexplained happenings. My dad used to like that idea; he also liked "synergy" -- the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. He was an idealist.
I don't really think of myself as an idealist (impractical at times, yes), but I've found serendipity easier to accept as simply part of how the day unfolds, than brush it aside as unrelated coincidence. (That seems so cold!)
Today the mail carrier rang my doorbell with a certified letter. It was from my school's insurance company, offering me COBRA coverage. The mail person also handed me a padded envelope with my sister's handwriting, which isn't too unusual; we're always sending gifts to each other.
The serendipity? The COBRA offer came because I'm leaving my current job for a new adventure in Brazil (although it's only for seven weeks). Anne's package was Starbuck's Brazil coffee and a congratulations card.
I'm so busy wrapping up the quarter right now that I don't really have time to think about it, but I must be okay with leaving one thing that was pretty much for sure (the current job always felt a little tenuous) and beginning a new adventure.
Everyone has new adventures. Mine will be easier if I can learn some Portuguese.